Mahogany beds come in many different styles. Not only are there many different styles of mahogany beds but there are many different types of mahogany that each bed could be made from. There are different names for mahogany such as Spanish or African mahogany.
Some of the more traditional are day, sleigh and canopy beds. Day beds were traditionally used to take naps, but today there are many companies selling these as showpieces for homes and traditional sleeping furniture. The sleigh bed is probably the most popular of hard wood furniture. Sleigh's were found as early as 1800 in America, but their origin is French. These beds are normally higher at the head board and lower at the foot board. Traditional sleigh's have a classic look that will never go out of style.
Canopy or four poster beds are also popular today because of their classic look. Canopy's were created for there practical application. In medieval times the ceilings of homes would sometimes fall apart due to rain and age. The canopy would keep falling debris off of unsuspecting sleepers. Today these beds are normally found in young girl's bedrooms. The four poster is a cousin of the canopy and at one time had a cover that spanned the four corners of the posts.
Although mahogany is used for many purposes, perhaps its most beautiful use is for furniture. If you are looking for furniture that will never go out of style and will hold its value then consider a traditional mahogany bed.